Amanda Turner

Senior Development Officer

I started working for Shanti Bhavan in 2024 after a career in tech. It is a joy to spend my days talking to donors whose generosity makes Shanti Bhavan’s transformative work possible. I love meeting new supporters and growing our community. I never pass up the opportunity to ask: is there anyone you know that you think would be interested in learning about Shanti Bhavan and ways they can support our children? (Seriously—I’d love an introduction! [email protected])

I started my career in the office of US Senator Maria Cantwell where I specialized in education and labor policy. I left the government to work in tech startups and was proud to be part of the early team that built Quorum, an advocacy tech company headquartered in Washington, D.C. I now live in Durham, North Carolina, with my partner. Outside of work, you can find me practicing yoga, at trivia night with my friends, and traveling as much as possible.

I have one sister, adopted from Tamil Nadu, whose presence in my life is a personal reminder that potential is equally distributed, but opportunity is not. I’m so glad Shanti Bhavan exists to give children from families like hers the tools to break the generational cycle of poverty. It is deeply fulfilling to play a part in ensuring Shanti Bhavan has the resources to continue to transform lives.

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