Dear Friend,

I’m writing this from the dining hall of our newly opened campus, Shanti Bhavan 2. To my right is the beautiful backdrop of the Makalidurga hills. To my left is the kindergarten dorm. The sounds of children settling into their new homes are everywhere.

As we welcome the little ones, I can’t help but think about the journey to this point. In 2017, we formally announced our plans to build a second school. This week, watching the first sets of families walk through the gates filled me with pride. All our children have stories to tell, but one in particular stands out to me.

Tejaswi traveled over 12 hours with her mother and two siblings to reach Shanti Bhavan. Her father works as a day laborer, barely earning enough to support their family. One of Tejaswi’s siblings has chronic illness, and there is rarely enough money for his treatment. Yet her mother’s determination is unwavering, and despite their many challenges, she hopes Shanti Bhavan will give Tejaswi a brighter future.

With the opening of Shanti Bhavan 2, we can extend this hope to even more children. This week, we welcomed 60 new students—30 in preschool and 30 in kindergarten—with equal numbers of boys and girls. In the coming months, our dedicated house mothers and teachers will give them a safe and loving home while teaching them foundational skills, laying the groundwork for their education.

On her first morning at Shanti Bhavan 2, Tejaswi woke up in a comfortable bed for the first time and wore clean new clothes and shoes. She enjoyed a warm breakfast of dosa and chutney placed on a proper table in the dining hall. Her mother didn’t have to worry whether she would get enough to eat. The family’s meager resources can now be stretched to care for their other children. These small but significant changes mark the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

Shanti Bhavan 2 opened this week because of your support. I wanted to share Tejaswi’s story with you because you made it possible. Thanks to you, children like Tejaswi now have the chance to build futures filled with promise and potential.

Best wishes,
Ajit George
Chief Operating Officer