This spring, we proudly shared the stories of three Shanti Bhavan graduates – Akshay, Hemant, and Megala – who were accepted into Swarthmore, Princeton, and Duke on full scholarships. They have now arrived in the U.S., taking the first steps to a new phase in their lives.

When a Shanti Bhavan student arrives in America, there’s always someone among us to greet them. We open our homes to them, take them shopping for all the first-year essentials, move them into their dorms, and help them get settled.

This year, I was privileged to host Hemant before he headed off to Princeton. Whether we were biking around my neighborhood, hanging out with my sister and her dog, shopping for dorm supplies, or sharing a quiet moment over his newfound love for iced mochas, I saw in Hemant a young man who is thoughtful, curious, and resilient.

Hemant’s willingness to embrace new experiences is all the more remarkable when you consider the challenges he has overcome to get here. It’s clear that he’s not just ready for this next step—he’s eager for it.

Megala and Akshay, too, are stepping into their new environments with a sense of purpose.

Following her arrival, Megala stayed with our Senior Development Officer, Amanda Turner, and they had a fabulous time together in North Carolina. It was amazing to see her get her first taste of true independence, like setting up a bank account or doing the first loads of laundry in her dorm. When I heard that Megala asked Amanda to accompany her to Duke’s international family brunch, my heart swelled. We always say that Shanti Bhavan is a family, but sometimes it strikes me just how true it is.

Akshay was greeted by one of our newest team members, Brianna Provda. Brianna’s first report of Akshay’s adventures was as funny as it was charming. He said, “The water tastes different, I feel like I’m in a movie while riding in a car, and everything is just perfect.” His first stroll around the Swarthmore campus was emotional and unreal; Akshay already loves his new home.

Reflecting on these moments, I’m filled with a deep sense of gratitude. The common thread in their stories is the support and preparation they received – from us, from each other, and from you. It gave them the strength to step into this new chapter with the courage and confidence to take on anything that comes their way.

Seeing them here in the U.S., poised to face whatever comes next, reminds me of why we do this work. It’s about creating futures filled with hope, opportunity, and the assurance that no matter where they go, they carry the strength of an entire community with them. I’m so grateful to have you as part of our community.

Gabby Mahesh
Associate Vice Principal